The Love78 Vision
Transforming the Lives of Families One Heart at a Time.
The Love78 Mission
The Love78 mission is two fold.
Bring the healing and restorative power of God to hurting families. We seek to achieve this through a variety of media (books, videos, conferences, etc).
Bring the message of the Gospels to the world. We seek to achieve this through a series of products (tshirts, mugs, posters, etc).
The Love78 Name
The Love78 name comes from 1 Cor 13:7-8 which is considered the love chapter of the Bible. So the name is a hidden reference. Why these verses are important is because we teach and counsel out of the follow concept. Speaking of Love in a marriage, it "Bears all things" (handles all internal issues together), "Endures all things" (handles all external issues together), "Believes all things" (trusts God and each other for the marriage), "Hopes all things" (sees a future together no matter the road or the cost) and "Never fails" (a promise to each other).