What to Expect

Ok, you ordered. Now what?


As soon as we receive your information, one of our team will reach out (via email) to schedule a zoom call to begin the process of designing your new website.

What We Need From You

Here is the following list of items that will be needed for your new site

  • Your entity name (company name, church name, personality, etc) including any abbreviations.

  • Your desired domain name (www.entity.com).

    • Note: it is possible your desired name is already taken. If that is the case, then we will work with you to find a good available name.

  • Your vision and mission statements (for the site).

    • If a church, your beliefs (for the site).

  • Your logo (unless we are designing one for you).

  • Your location.

  • Your meeting times (if applicable).

  • Any branding (color, fonts, layouts, etc) that you use and want to maintain the look and feel on the website.

  • Pictures. The best sites will have pictures from the actual entity.

    • Some ideas are the entity’s building, the sign, the entity’s entrance, if a church service pictures (altar, the worship team, the pastor, and the congregation).

  • Leader Pictures. For any about pages created (or the single about section in basic package), we will need pictures to be placed on the website. It is recommended but not required that professional pictures taken of all individuals who will have pages or information displayed about them to maintain a consistent look and feel

  • Bios for the leader who will have about sections.

  • If a church, giving platform information in order to be able to integrate with the site.

  • For the premium package, all the entity’s extra pages you desire to be added complete with details.

  • Anything else you feel is relevant or you wish to incorporate into the site.

  • Notes on videos and how we will work with your team to process them.

    • Videos are uploaded and placed on-site within 72 hours of receiving the media

    • It is HIGHLY recommended that you host your videos on an external site (i.e. YouTube) due to the high cost of hosting (Squarespace) for the additional large media. If additional costs from hosting are accrued they will be passed on to the client.

    • For church sermon page, this will explain the steps to we together will take.

      • For Audio only sermons:

        • Your team will record the message during your church service.

        • Your team will perform any edits that you may want to the message (trim it down, add an intro, etc).

        • The message in MP3 format will be sent to us (uploaded to a special dropbox location that will be provided) along with the title, the name of the person speaking, and any show notes.

        • Within 72 hours of receipt, the new sermon will be live on the page.

      • For Video sermons:

        • Your team will record the message during your church service.

        • Your team will perform any edits that you may want to the message (add an intro, add filters, etc).

        • Either your team or we will upload it to your church youtube channel for hosting. This is due to the fact that Squarespace video hosting is very limited and youtube provides a super stable environment for your videos as well as immediately makes it available to the greater youtube community.

        • Either your team or we will create an audio message (MP3) from the video to upload with the sermone because some people will still just want audio (like driving in the car.

        • Along with the video (youtube link or uploaded video to dropbox for us to upload), your team will provide the title, the name of the speaker, and any show notes.

        • Within 72 hours of receipt, the new sermon will be live on the page.

          • Note if the video is not in a format that youtube accepts and additional editing is required to upload, then this 72 hours window may not be met. Your team will be informed.

Note: Digital copies of all the above are HIGHLY preferred over anything that would need to be scanned or recreated.

How Long to Expect Site Design to Take

The short answer is however long it takes. However I realize that is a cop out. So assuming that all the above is available, the site itself will take the following estimates:

  • Basic Design - 2 Days

  • Standard Design - 4 Days

  • Deluxe Design - 8 Days

  • Premium Design - About two weeks

Depending on the amount of back and forth while designing this timeframe could be shortened or lengthened.

How Much Input Will I Have

We work for you and this is your site. We intend to keep you included on every step of the process and no decision will be made without your input and approval. This can make the design a time consuming process as we work together but it produces the best results.

To give an example, say you purchased the Standard Package and we have had our initial meetings and all the needed information is present. We will design the home/landing page and once we feel it is in a stable position will immediately engage your team for input. This will allow us to make quick changes to anything that is not in line with what your entity and team want for the website. Once we have gotten an approval on the home/landing page, we will move on to the about page and do the same process all over again. This keeps you and your team engaged and ensure that website is the best representation of your entity.