Web Design Premium Package

Purchase options at bottom of the page

Deluxe Package Includes

Custom Domain

We will help to find a website URL (web address) for your website.

Have a domain already, we can work with you to connect it to your new site developed by us.

Home/Landing Page

A home/landing page for your entity that will have key information about your entity. Including:

  • Logo (Company, Church, Person, etc)

  • Info (Location, Address, Meeting Times, etc)

  • Images (Business Front, Church Building, Identifying Pictures, etc)

Email Forwarding

Will create domain specific emails that will forward to your home emails. In this package, we will create the following:

  • General Email Address (info@yourentity.com)

  • Individual Leader Email Addresses (joe@yourentity.com)

  • Any additional email addresses you want/need

Custom Mobile Pages

We will optimize the page for view on mobile devices.

Media Upload

Weekly Media Uploads

  • For Companies

    • Product Videos, Promotional Videos, etc

  • For Churches

    • Sermon

  • For Individuals

    • Latest videos of what you are doing

  • Notes

    • Videos are uploaded and placed on-site within 72 hours of receiving the media

    • It is HIGHLY recommended that you host your videos on an external site (i.e. YouTube) due to the high cost of hosting (Squarespace) for the additional large media. If additional costs from hosting are accrued they will be passed on to the client.

Additional Pages

Creation of additional pages:

  • About the Entity Page

    • About the Company

    • About the Church

  • About the Leader Page

    • About the CEO/President

    • About the Pastor

    • About the Person

  • Additional Pages

    • For Companies

      • Individual Service/Product pages

      • Company Blog

    • For Churches

      • Sermon Page

      • What We Believe Page

      • Individual Leader Pages

      • Giving Page

        • For giving pages, we will attempt to integrate with your giving platform (i.e. Tithely, PCO, etc)

    • For Individuals

      • Blog

  • Any Other Additional Pages your Entity needs/wants.

    • Examples

      • Events page

      • Individual ministry pages (men’s, women’s, etc)

  • Contact form

Squarespace Hosting

Squarespace is a fantastic host that will allow for fast 24/7 access for your website. Here are the reasons for using this platform:

  • Great reputation

  • Leading support

  • Easy to use editing tools allows for client to directly make changes (although it is recommended all changes go through us)

Monthly Maintenance

Monthly maintenance keeps your site up to date and fresh. This will handle the following:

  • Implement any Sqaurespace hosting changes

  • Monitor website traffic

  • Email monthly analytics

  • Make any changes (within package guidelines) that the client may want. For example:

    • Update pictures

    • Update contact information

    • Update meeting location and times

  • With Premium you also gain any re-design of the pages that your church would want or need.

  • Priority response on all requests.

* Note the way that Squarespace handles subscriptions is very different from how it handles services/products.

Therefore, you can add the setup to cart and then checkout at your convenience. However, the subscription will ask for payment as soon as the button is clicked.

Premium Package Setup
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Premium Package Monthly Subscription
$500.00 every month

Additional Items

Logo Design Special
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Commerce Upgrade Monthly Subscription
$75.00 every month